>> Aki Faelen


"Whatever it takes..."

Born in the Brume in Foundation, Aki is the oldest of four siblings. Orphaned as children, Aki was left to fend for the family, often resorting to crime such as pickpocketing, accidentally killing a man at age 12 while trying to burgle him. He was saved from arrest by a man named Dooshik Oelus, an executive officer within a criminal organization known as the Funeral Parlor, under the conditions that he join. He began as just a tracker and spy, but later took on assassinations as well as he got older. The punishments he received when caught resulted in the litany of scars that now cover his body. This way of life led to his current skewed and cynical perception of the world.

"There's no going back."

He eventually went on to join the Ishgardian Temple Knights in the Dragonsong War in place of his younger brother when a draft came calling for him. Protective by nature and with a shady background, Aki did all he could to keep anyone from tracing back to his siblings while he was away, and often didn't interact with his fellow knights.
Once the war was over, with too much red in his ledger by then, he didn't return to his siblings. Instead he went on to become a proper bounty hunter rather than an underground assassin, determined to live clean from then on while still utilizing his skills, but his demons still follow him to this day.

"A beast beneath the moonlight..."

The true nature of Aki's being is his biggest mystery. 17 years ago, rumors of an unknown beast haunted the streets of Foundation. On the night of each full moon, the beast wrought havoc upon the people of the city, rich and poor alike. Each body was covered in what appeared to be claw marks for seemingly no reason besides bloodshed; all of their belongings were left in tact. The true identity of the creature was never uncovered, as, one day, 10 years later, it simply disappeared... The very day that Aki left Foundation.

"In another life..."

The Azem connected to Aki was named Segadus, a radically-minded enigma. Many did not condone him taking on the role of Azem, but in the end, it was passed to him. He foresaw disaster and a breaking point in the world, but not the Final Days specifically, and felt compelled to do what he could to prevent it. Sensing that contaminated aether was to blame, he sought to end the use of the creation magicks which he believed would create monsters. His solution: to rid Etheirys of all who practiced such magicks in a mass genocide to 'purify' their kind, deeming it too dangerous. Of course, this solution was not well-received. No one sided with him, though his one friend, Melpomene, remained. She was close to Segadus, as the two were both shunned by the rest - him for his radical ideas, and her for her siren-like qualities. In the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was wrong. He secretly hoped that someone would stop him, kill him, but his pride would not allow him to accept death from just anyone. In the end, he forced Melpomene's hand, as she was the only one able to approach him and get close enough to kill him. In allowing her to do so, Segadus gave her the chance to prove her trustworthiness to the other ancients, and she went on to assume the role of Azem after his death. It is thought that Aki's poor life circumstances was divine atonement for his traitorous actions in this past life.

Character Synopsis

Like a ghost in the night...

...all feeling passes through him. Hardly real, hardly existing, simply drifting as each day comes and goes. Aimless wandering, a meaningless life...

To walk a road alone...

...means to detach himself from the world. No connections will tie him to the living. For he is done taking anything from anyone... including his existence in their lives...

A means to an end...

...that's all it is, all it ever was. Living to see tomorrow only in hopes that he can one day repent for all he's done. But until that time has come...



Laelia Vi'brunnel

A dancer Aki met during the war effort, he freed her from her enslavement by allowing her master to fall in battle. He took on a mentor role to her as she had never been on her own before, and that relationship eventually became love. Aki's canonical partner.

The Faelen family

Aki's family from the Brume. They grew up together up until Aki left them behind to join the war, but have since found each other again.

Astara Meribella

A younger sister figure to him, Aki met her during his travels alone after the war when she saved him from the brink of death with her healing.

Rulan Ronen

An immortal Viera who secretly conceals his true nature as a minor deity. He happened upon Aki during one of his work shifts and saw the darkness in him. Determined to help him overcome his cynical, skewed idea of the world, with the patience of a saint, he took on the role of both therapist and lover. Aki's RP persona partner.

Dooshik Oelus

Someone who is both a father and brother figure to Aki, he is the one who brought him into the seedy underbelly of Foundation as a teenager. An executive within the criminal organization, the Funeral Parlor, who leads the Black Nail, their covert kill squad.

Daemon Stride

Aki's former boss when he was still a spy as a child, he is the leader of Parmenides' Aletheia, the Funeral Parlor's intelligence ring.

The Funeral Parlor

The criminal organization which took Aki and his siblings off the streets at age 12 after he was captured by Dooshik. He alone went on to work for the Parlor under the agreement that his siblings be left out of it. He began as a spy and eventually moved on to assassination. Today, he is more of a contractor than a full-time member.
more info on the Parlor here

Segadus Hest

Aki's Azem, a fanatic outlier who once believed a culling of creation magicks would have deterred the Final Days. His views got him killed by the next Azem, his only friend, Melpomene.

RP persona

Warrior by day, bartender by night, when he's not hunting the nocturnal, you can usually find him behind the bar, trying to make an honest living. Often smelling of alcohol, smoke, and cologne, he remains ever the mystery to his clients, his past undisclosed. He smiles for now, but who knows what really lies beneath the surface...

Character Stats

Character Age: 27
Nameday: 21st Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon (3/21)
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun (but does not hold to classic Miqo'te lore)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual, male lean (straight dom, gay swing (sub lean))

Current gigs

(times in PST)

Monday: The Final Daze (7pm-11pm)
--> Dynamis | Marilith | Empyreum | W8 | P26
Tuesday: [open]
Wednesday: [open]
Thursday: [open]
Friday: [open]
Saturday: [open]
Sunday: Kolat Veridian (4pm-7pm)
--> Aether | Adamantoise | Lavender Beds | W22 | P31
The Clocktower (7pm-9pm)
--> Crystal | Goblin | Empyreum | W4 | P18

The Clocktower (ad creator)
The Final Daze (carrd creator, ad creator)
Four Fiends Resort (ad creator, commission photographer)
Purely Black (ad creator, commission photographer)
Bloodmoon Boudoir (carrd creator, commission photographer)
The Lustful Pearl (commission photographer)
Kolat Veridian (commission photographer)
The Aether Entertainer (layout designer, editor, photographer)

The Crew

full master list here


A hitman / bounty hunter with a shady criminal past from the Brume of Foundation, traveling alone to keep his demons to himself and away from his siblings."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"I thought I was doing the right thing... that, because I had no other choice, that must've been it. I can't bring myself to go back to that time, and I won't bring that time back to them... so I'll walk this path alone."


A member of Sadu's tribe, Noire was born in the Azim Steppe. Her heart remains closed after being jilted in the past. A person of intense dedication, she devotes herself sparingly."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"If I let myself fall in love, what happens when I lose them? When you want something from others, you give them the chance to betray you... If that's all it's going to get me, then maybe it's better not to trust anyone in the first place..."


Formerly a straight-laced paladin in Ul'dah, Nautilus lost his faith in the Immortal Flame after rules made him unable to avenge his comrades. He left the company (and his childhood friends, Ruru and Pippin) to walk the path of a dark knight."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"When I was young, I spewed the word 'justice' without much thought. After all, that's what my family stood for... or so I thought. When 'justice' couldn't serve its purpose, I had no choice but to leave it all behind..."


Shunned for her curse of uncontrollable black magic, Mephisto was stoned out of Old Sharlayan. She wanders the world alone in search of purpose."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"I didn't want to be born this way... To be called a monster for something I can't control. To live every day with a shadow over my head. To say that all who come near me will only meet death... What life is there to live?"


Born from creation, Lazarus only knew the inside of a lab for her early years. A Viera and Elezen crossbreed with the artificial soul of her creator's daughter."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"For the longest time, I knew nothing of the outside world. But now that I'm here, I don't know what to make of myself anymore... What was I made for? Why create me? ...just what am I?"


A Viera possessed by an incubus voidsent. He first woke alone in the snowscape of Garlemald, where the sudden intake of residual aether on the battlefield served as an imperfect catalyst to completing the unfinished summoning."Will you lend me an ear...?"
"I don't remember a time before I woke. I was scared and alone, lost in a place with no memories. Where I came from, who I was... I knew nothing of the world, and of myself. All I remember was the snow, the cold... and nothingness."

About Safira

Safira is an up-and-coming indie vtuber who will be the host of the obsidianPULSE Twitch channel once it is live. She is primarily focused on Final Fantasy XIV, although she enjoys God Eater and Arknights as well. Her hobbies aside from gaming include photography, anime, cosplay, and roleplaying. She has roleplayed on forums for 10+ years and has breathed life into over 50 unique characters, each with their own backstories and personalities.In the game, you can usually find her on one of her six characters, Aki being her main (and main RP persona). She is often hunting marks, soloing Heaven-on-High, gposing, or roleplaying.Safira will debut with the launch of obsidianPULSE (date tentative)

F List

specializations: versatility, one-night stand / hook-up, non-con, multiplayer


Signature Drinks

Signature drinks by Aki, inspired by his journeys across Eorzea. The menu that follows him wherever he goes.All drinks are 4,000 gil each.


A classic mix under the sun. As sweet as the amber sun on the horizon, this drink features a blend of pixieberries and La Noscean oranges, chilled with blended ice.


A mysterious clear alcohol, tinged blue with syrup. Served on the rocks straight or mixed with Bailey's. Rimmed with sugar and garnished with dried blood orange slices.


Long day at work? Take it out on the table, complete with a splash of sake, served warm or chilled. But do have some mercy; any broken tables will be your responsibility.


Ink black tequila embedded with a tinge of citrus, served in a chilled glass rimmed with night pepper. Served with two spiked ice blocks.


Essence of alligator pear mixed with Midori and vodka. Served with crushed ice and a sparse sugar rim, and garnished with a spear of lingonberry slices.


A medley of apples from across Eorzea, primarily mirror apples. Mixed with whisky and various other ingredients, this drink can be enjoyed as a cocktail or a shot.


It's a bed, it's a couch, it's an innocent juice pouch! ... or is it? These special juice pouches come in a variety of flavors, and contain a surprise in each. Licensed by the Lala Clubbing Crew.


Tea with a twist, straight out of Doma. Served in a mason jar with ice and a slice of lemonette. What makes it hard, you ask? Well, what makes YOU hard? The choice is yours.


Vodka-infused shaved ice, flavored with rolanberry and blue lingonberry syrups. Finished with another shot of vodka over the ice.


Slices of lemonette marinated in tequila dunked in an ice cold glass of bourbon with cubed ice. Garnished with a rolanberry and a sprig of gaelicatnip. Extra effective on Miqo'tes.